Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


VIRUS is an application that can replicate itself in a computer network, is destructive and has the ability to infect other files to have the same qualities as himself. The virus will change the size of the infected program without changing the modification date of the application. History virus: In 1949, John von Newman, who created the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC), presented a paper entitled "Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata." In his paper discussed the possibility of a program that can spread by itself. In 1960, experts at the lab BELL (AT & T)-the largest laboratories in the world that has produced a lot of things in the world of computer-trying to implement the theory expressed by john v neuman. They toyed with the theory to a type of game. On the sidelines of their break time, the researchers made the game with a program that can destroy your opponent artificial program, the ability to fix themselves and then standing behind the opponent's attack. This game program also can reproduce itself automatically. War of the program is called Core War, the winner is the owner of the largest remaining programs within a certain time interval. Because the program is aware of the dangers when leaked exit lab (especially because C and C + + is one of the high-level programming language - easy to learn), then each finished the game, the program is always destroyed. In 1970, the company Xerox introduced a program used to assist the smooth working. 1980, the program which was used as a game 'dangerous' is finally out of the lab, spread beyond the lab environment, and began circulating in the cyber world. 1981, A Virus of the same name by author, Elk Cloner, was born in the TEXAS A & M. Spread through Apple II floppy disk that has the operating system. The destroyer is displaying a message on the screen: "It will of get on all your disks It will of infiltrate your-chips-yes it is the Cloner!-It will of stick to you like glue It will of-modify RAM too-send in the Cloner!" 3 November 1983, Len Adleman inaugurated the name "virus" in a seminar that discusses how to create viruses and protect yourself from viruses. 1986, Brain Virus (also known as viral Pakistan), widespread in Indonesia, is the most appalling Virus dikala it. Because of its spread enormously this year that it was mentioned by some people of Indonesia as the early emergence of computer viruses. The birth of this virus is also in conjunction with [PC-Write Trojan] and [Vindent]. In 1988, emerging large-scale attack against Machintosh by the virus [MacMag] & [scores]. In this year also an Internet network of all-out got beat by an artificial worm Robert Morris, Jr., a student of Computer Science Cornell. In 1989 there prankster who spread the file "AIDS information program" and unfortunately, so this file is opened, which is obtained instead of info about AIDS, but the virus that encrypts the hard drive and require payment for the opening code. In 1990 Bulgarian virus factory exchange (VX) BBS was established. Tips-tricks-making computer virus transmitted through this BBS. Mark Ludwig wrote a book called "The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses". In the book discussed the steps to create a computer virus. In 1991, the first polymorphic virus is born. The virus, named Tequila comes from Switzerland. In 1992, there was a deadly virus caused panic in the user's computer. The virus was named Michelangelo. But the spread of the virus is not so widespread (only eat a little victim.) In 1995 came a massive attack. Large companies paralyzed, including Griffith Air Force Base, Korean Atomic Research Institute, NASA, IBM and many other GIANT COMPANY persecuted by the virus "THE INETRNET Liberation Front" on Thanksgiving day ~ ~. Because of the courage and the magnitude of the attack, dubbed as the year 1995, the Hacker and Cracker. In this year also born Concept, the first macro virus that attacks Microsoft Word document. 1996, Boza, the first virus that are specific to Windows 95 was born. Appears also Laroux, the first virus that infects MS Excel. This year is also the Staog, the first virus that infects Linux. 1998, Born Strange Brew, is the first Java virus. Born also Back Orifice, the first Trojan to spread, allowing unauthorized users to control other computers via the internet. 1999, the combination of viruses & worms with a very sweet name was born: Melissa. Melissa is a mix of macro viruses and worms to spread via email using Outlook weakness. Appears also Corner, the first virus that infects MS Project files. Of 2000, Appears Denial of Service (DoS) attacks that crippled Yahoo, Amazon and other giants sites caused by the worm. Love Letter worm called paralyzed e-mail systems around the world. Worm Timofonica disrupt Spanish telephone network. Liberty, the first worm that attacks the PDA was born. Turquoise, from the family of concept virus infects the files HTML and PHP. In 2001, returned the world must face a series of worm attacks. Gnuman (Mandragore) was born. This worm disguised as MP3 files. Winux, worms that attack Windows and Linux machines, comes from the Czechs Republic. In 2002, the LFM-926, was born the first virus that infects Shockwave Flash file (. SWF). Displays a message when the file is run: "Loading.Flash.Movie .." In 2003, the Blaster worm exploit weaknesses in the Windows RPC DCOM. Return the world faces a massive attack. Sobig-F was recorded as the most successful virus spread. May 2004, the world's Internet networks disrupted by the Sasser worm. In 2005-2007 of new Bagle variants widespread, but then faded as the author caught. The spread of Netsky also increased slightly for a moment and just birth of new variants. In the years is not so much new Virus & Worm quite appalling in the world like their predecessors except local virus attacks. In 2005 it seems the Underground Programmer world focusing on SPYWARE. Types of Computer Viruses: Based on the techniques of manufacture, viruses are grouped into 3: 1. Viruses are written by CompilerJenis this virus first appears and until now continues to grow. This virus is the virus executable that can be directly implemented because the experience kompilasi.2 process. Makrovirus Macro Virus is a virus that utilizes modular programming facilities in a particular application program. The goal of modular programming facilities is to provide convenience and create a shortcut for the application. For example, included in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and other sebagainya.3. Virus ScriptAwalnya better known because the first batch viruses contained in the existing batch files in DOS. But now this has changed the script because the language used began to vary. This type of virus usually stay in the HTML files and scripts created by using facilities such as JavaScript and VBScript. There also are encoded by using PHP.Sedangkan based on its behavior, in general viruses were regrouped into: 1. Boot Virus SectorVirus this kind would move or replace the original boot sector with boot virus program so that when there is booting the virus will be loaded kememori and then the virus will have the ability to control the standard hardware such as monitors, prontaer and so forth. From this memory is also the virus will spread throughout the existing drive and connect kekomputer (ex: floppy, drive other than c:) .2. Stealth VirusVirus will be master table in DOS interrupt table that often we are familiar with "Interrupt interceptor" .3. Polymorphic this VirusVirus Designed for misleading antivirus program, meaning the virus is always trying to avoid being recognized by antivirus in a way always changing after every change its structure infected files / programs lain.4.Virus FileVirus infects an executable file directly from the operating system, whether the application configuration file (*. EXE), or *. COM usually also result from infection with this virus can be identified by changing the file size Partition diserangnya.5.Multi Virus (Hybrid Virus) This virus is a combination of boot sector viruses and file viruses: it means the work performed resulted in two, that he can infect files *. EXE file and also infects the boot Sector.Syarat Ability Yang-requisites Must be Held Computer Virus: A virus is said to be a computer application when it has 5 basic capabilities: 1. The ability to get informasi2. The ability to check a program3. The ability to reproduce and infect files lain4. The ability to do manipulasi5. The ability to hide the usual diriAdapun additional capabilities possessed by viruses and worms are: 6. The ability to exploit a weakness in system7. The ability to defend itself from the applications exterminator viruses & worms. Target virus attack: Registry System configuration utility Autoexec.bat and win.ini Task manager Special directory Cloning and icon Media distribution System restore AntivirusRegistry5 key on registryHKEY_CLASSES_ROOTHKEY_CURRENT_USERHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHKEY_USERHKEY_CURRENT_CONFIGSystem Configuration MSCONFIG UtilityDari regular user checks the files / applications are run automatically when windows startup.Dari MSCONFIG users can delete the list of applications that are not here well diinginkan.Dari users can freely edit the contents of win.ini files, autoexec. bat, system.ini and autoexec.bat and win.inidengan config.sys.File slightly manipulate the contents of two files, viruses can be automatically run when Windows boots. The two files above will be processed when startup.File Win.ini is located in the directory Windowsberisi several configurations that set the OS, can run certain files automatically by modifying the contents of the file win.ini.Task ManagerTask Manager displays any application that is running either tidak.Melalui the background or we can stop the Task Manager "by force" program that is not our own inginkan.Metodanya manifold. There is an automatic turn off the mouse when the Task Manager function tebuka, there is also a direct shutdown or restart.Special DirectoryAda two special directory that has become a "subscription" worms and viruses are the windows directory and the directory system.Kedua this directory is unique because of ease of setting variables when we write code and IconSebelum program.Kloning you open any document, be sure to correct that with a bunch of icons used COMPATIBLE file extension should be. Many users are lax about ini.Biasakan to view the properties file first before membukanya.Media Spread of Virus: Floppy and flash Email Irc WebsiteAntivirus: Viruses are usually programmed to be able to detect the Application Title of the program is running. Usually when you find the Application such unwanted title contains the word "Kill", "Antivirus," "Removal," "Anti", "Regsitry Editor", "Untility", "Exterminate", "Prompt" then the virus will stop the program . Top 10 Big Virus (March 2008): 10. starGate9. Tati8. SlowButSure7. TQ.vbs6. SangPerawan5. Discusx.vbs4. Pray3.

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