Flooding is a very terrible thing for the network admin. Most people think just walking in the ICMP flooding, but it is not. Flooding is very varied and can invade a variety of protocols other than ICMP.
1) Sniffing
Sniffing literally sniff out, of course, in this case that diendus is the message (either not yet or already encrypted) in a communication channel. It is common in an insecure public channel. The sniffing could recapitalize the conversation that occurred.
The attacker - for instance C - can impersonate A. Everyone was made to believe that C is A. The attacker tried to convince other parties that there was no wrong done with communication, but communication was done by the deceiver / attacker. For example, if people enter your PIN into the Card Acceptance Device (CAD) - which is really built like the original CAD - of course the fraudsters can get a PIN smartcard owner. Smartcard owner did not know that there has been crime.
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