Kamis, 10 Maret 2011


VIRUS is an application that can replicate itself in a computer network, is destructive and has the ability to infect other files to have the same qualities as himself. The virus will change the size of the infected program without changing the modification date of the application. History virus: In 1949, John von Newman, who created the Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC), presented a paper entitled "Theory and Organization of Complicated Automata." In his paper discussed the possibility of a program that can spread by itself. In 1960, experts at the lab BELL (AT & T)-the largest laboratories in the world that has produced a lot of things in the world of computer-trying to implement the theory expressed by john v neuman. They toyed with the theory to a type of game. On the sidelines of their break time, the researchers made the game with a program that can destroy your opponent artificial program, the ability to fix themselves and then standing behind the opponent's attack. This game program also can reproduce itself automatically. War of the program is called Core War, the winner is the owner of the largest remaining programs within a certain time interval. Because the program is aware of the dangers when leaked exit lab (especially because C and C + + is one of the high-level programming language - easy to learn), then each finished the game, the program is always destroyed. In 1970, the company Xerox introduced a program used to assist the smooth working. 1980, the program which was used as a game 'dangerous' is finally out of the lab, spread beyond the lab environment, and began circulating in the cyber world. 1981, A Virus of the same name by author, Elk Cloner, was born in the TEXAS A & M. Spread through Apple II floppy disk that has the operating system. The destroyer is displaying a message on the screen: "It will of get on all your disks It will of infiltrate your-chips-yes it is the Cloner!-It will of stick to you like glue It will of-modify RAM too-send in the Cloner!" 3 November 1983, Len Adleman inaugurated the name "virus" in a seminar that discusses how to create viruses and protect yourself from viruses. 1986, Brain Virus (also known as viral Pakistan), widespread in Indonesia, is the most appalling Virus dikala it. Because of its spread enormously this year that it was mentioned by some people of Indonesia as the early emergence of computer viruses. The birth of this virus is also in conjunction with [PC-Write Trojan] and [Vindent]. In 1988, emerging large-scale attack against Machintosh by the virus [MacMag] & [scores]. In this year also an Internet network of all-out got beat by an artificial worm Robert Morris, Jr., a student of Computer Science Cornell. In 1989 there prankster who spread the file "AIDS information program" and unfortunately, so this file is opened, which is obtained instead of info about AIDS, but the virus that encrypts the hard drive and require payment for the opening code. In 1990 Bulgarian virus factory exchange (VX) BBS was established. Tips-tricks-making computer virus transmitted through this BBS. Mark Ludwig wrote a book called "The Little Black Book of Computer Viruses". In the book discussed the steps to create a computer virus. In 1991, the first polymorphic virus is born. The virus, named Tequila comes from Switzerland. In 1992, there was a deadly virus caused panic in the user's computer. The virus was named Michelangelo. But the spread of the virus is not so widespread (only eat a little victim.) In 1995 came a massive attack. Large companies paralyzed, including Griffith Air Force Base, Korean Atomic Research Institute, NASA, IBM and many other GIANT COMPANY persecuted by the virus "THE INETRNET Liberation Front" on Thanksgiving day ~ ~. Because of the courage and the magnitude of the attack, dubbed as the year 1995, the Hacker and Cracker. In this year also born Concept, the first macro virus that attacks Microsoft Word document. 1996, Boza, the first virus that are specific to Windows 95 was born. Appears also Laroux, the first virus that infects MS Excel. This year is also the Staog, the first virus that infects Linux. 1998, Born Strange Brew, is the first Java virus. Born also Back Orifice, the first Trojan to spread, allowing unauthorized users to control other computers via the internet. 1999, the combination of viruses & worms with a very sweet name was born: Melissa. Melissa is a mix of macro viruses and worms to spread via email using Outlook weakness. Appears also Corner, the first virus that infects MS Project files. Of 2000, Appears Denial of Service (DoS) attacks that crippled Yahoo, Amazon and other giants sites caused by the worm. Love Letter worm called paralyzed e-mail systems around the world. Worm Timofonica disrupt Spanish telephone network. Liberty, the first worm that attacks the PDA was born. Turquoise, from the family of concept virus infects the files HTML and PHP. In 2001, returned the world must face a series of worm attacks. Gnuman (Mandragore) was born. This worm disguised as MP3 files. Winux, worms that attack Windows and Linux machines, comes from the Czechs Republic. In 2002, the LFM-926, was born the first virus that infects Shockwave Flash file (. SWF). Displays a message when the file is run: "Loading.Flash.Movie .." In 2003, the Blaster worm exploit weaknesses in the Windows RPC DCOM. Return the world faces a massive attack. Sobig-F was recorded as the most successful virus spread. May 2004, the world's Internet networks disrupted by the Sasser worm. In 2005-2007 of new Bagle variants widespread, but then faded as the author caught. The spread of Netsky also increased slightly for a moment and just birth of new variants. In the years is not so much new Virus & Worm quite appalling in the world like their predecessors except local virus attacks. In 2005 it seems the Underground Programmer world focusing on SPYWARE. Types of Computer Viruses: Based on the techniques of manufacture, viruses are grouped into 3: 1. Viruses are written by CompilerJenis this virus first appears and until now continues to grow. This virus is the virus executable that can be directly implemented because the experience kompilasi.2 process. Makrovirus Macro Virus is a virus that utilizes modular programming facilities in a particular application program. The goal of modular programming facilities is to provide convenience and create a shortcut for the application. For example, included in Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and other sebagainya.3. Virus ScriptAwalnya better known because the first batch viruses contained in the existing batch files in DOS. But now this has changed the script because the language used began to vary. This type of virus usually stay in the HTML files and scripts created by using facilities such as JavaScript and VBScript. There also are encoded by using PHP.Sedangkan based on its behavior, in general viruses were regrouped into: 1. Boot Virus SectorVirus this kind would move or replace the original boot sector with boot virus program so that when there is booting the virus will be loaded kememori and then the virus will have the ability to control the standard hardware such as monitors, prontaer and so forth. From this memory is also the virus will spread throughout the existing drive and connect kekomputer (ex: floppy, drive other than c:) .2. Stealth VirusVirus will be master table in DOS interrupt table that often we are familiar with "Interrupt interceptor" .3. Polymorphic this VirusVirus Designed for misleading antivirus program, meaning the virus is always trying to avoid being recognized by antivirus in a way always changing after every change its structure infected files / programs lain.4.Virus FileVirus infects an executable file directly from the operating system, whether the application configuration file (*. EXE), or *. COM usually also result from infection with this virus can be identified by changing the file size Partition diserangnya.5.Multi Virus (Hybrid Virus) This virus is a combination of boot sector viruses and file viruses: it means the work performed resulted in two, that he can infect files *. EXE file and also infects the boot Sector.Syarat Ability Yang-requisites Must be Held Computer Virus: A virus is said to be a computer application when it has 5 basic capabilities: 1. The ability to get informasi2. The ability to check a program3. The ability to reproduce and infect files lain4. The ability to do manipulasi5. The ability to hide the usual diriAdapun additional capabilities possessed by viruses and worms are: 6. The ability to exploit a weakness in system7. The ability to defend itself from the applications exterminator viruses & worms. Target virus attack: Registry System configuration utility Autoexec.bat and win.ini Task manager Special directory Cloning and icon Media distribution System restore AntivirusRegistry5 key on registryHKEY_CLASSES_ROOTHKEY_CURRENT_USERHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINEHKEY_USERHKEY_CURRENT_CONFIGSystem Configuration MSCONFIG UtilityDari regular user checks the files / applications are run automatically when windows startup.Dari MSCONFIG users can delete the list of applications that are not here well diinginkan.Dari users can freely edit the contents of win.ini files, autoexec. bat, system.ini and autoexec.bat and win.inidengan config.sys.File slightly manipulate the contents of two files, viruses can be automatically run when Windows boots. The two files above will be processed when startup.File Win.ini is located in the directory Windowsberisi several configurations that set the OS, can run certain files automatically by modifying the contents of the file win.ini.Task ManagerTask Manager displays any application that is running either tidak.Melalui the background or we can stop the Task Manager "by force" program that is not our own inginkan.Metodanya manifold. There is an automatic turn off the mouse when the Task Manager function tebuka, there is also a direct shutdown or restart.Special DirectoryAda two special directory that has become a "subscription" worms and viruses are the windows directory and the directory system.Kedua this directory is unique because of ease of setting variables when we write code and IconSebelum program.Kloning you open any document, be sure to correct that with a bunch of icons used COMPATIBLE file extension should be. Many users are lax about ini.Biasakan to view the properties file first before membukanya.Media Spread of Virus: Floppy and flash Email Irc WebsiteAntivirus: Viruses are usually programmed to be able to detect the Application Title of the program is running. Usually when you find the Application such unwanted title contains the word "Kill", "Antivirus," "Removal," "Anti", "Regsitry Editor", "Untility", "Exterminate", "Prompt" then the virus will stop the program . Top 10 Big Virus (March 2008): 10. starGate9. Tati8. SlowButSure7. TQ.vbs6. SangPerawan5. Discusx.vbs4. Pray3.

20 Most Important Chips (Article from 1995)

All the chips on this list, Some Obscure as acres, Had a significant influence on the evolution of personal computing. All the chips on this list, it is unclear as there are, have a significant influence on the evolution of personal computing. So what does it take to make a computer today? So, what is needed to make the computer today? Mostly, it Seems, acronyms: a CPU, Some of RAM, a handful of EPROMs, a DSP, and a PCI bus. Most, apparently, an acronym: the CPU, some RAM, a handful of EPROMs, a DSP, and PCI bus.

Intel 1103 Intel 1103
In 1970, Intel created the 1103 - the first-Generally available DRAM chips. In 1970, Intel created the 1103 - the first generally available DRAM chip. By 1972, it was the best-selling semiconductor memory chip in the world. In 1972, it was the best-selling semiconductor memory chip in the world. Today, Would you need More Than 65.000 of Them to put 8 MB of memory into a PC. Today, you will need more than 65,000 of them to put the 8 MB of memory to a PC.

Intel 1702 Intel 1702
In another brilliant stroke of naming, Intel created this, the first EPROM, in 1971. In another brilliant stroke of naming, Intel created this, the first EPROM, in 1971. When you say "firmware," smile and think of the 1702. When you say "firmware," smiling and thinking about 1702.
Intel 4004 Intel 4004
In 1971, Busicom, a Japanese company, wanted a chip for a new calculator. With incredible o verkill, Intel built the world's first general-purpose microprocessor. In 1971, Busicom, a Japanese company, wanted a new calculator chip. With verkill o extraordinary, Intel built the world's first general-purpose microprocessors. Then it back Bought the rights for $ 60,000.
So the right to buy back for $ 60,000. The 4-bit 4004 ran at 108 kHz and contained 2300 transistors. The 4-bit 4004 ran at 108 kHz and contained 2300 transistors. Its speed is estimated at 0:06 MIPS. Its speed is estimated at 0.06 MIPS. By comparison, Intel's latest microprocessor, the P6, runs at 133 MHz, contains 5.5 million transistors, and executes 300 MIPS. In comparison, Intel's latest microprocessor, the P6, running at 133 MHz, contains 5.5 million transistors, and run 300 MIPS.  

Intel 8080 Intel 8080 If you drive, your life probably Depends on this chip. If you drive, your life may depend on these chips. Introduced in April 1974, the 8080 was first widely Used as a traffic-light controller. It found its way a year later into the world's first personal computer: the MITS Altair. Introduced in April 1974, 8080 first used extensively as a controller of traffic lights. It found its way a year later to the world's first personal computer: the MITS Altair.

MOS Technology 6502 MOS Technology 6502 What do a Nintendo set and a BMW have in common? What do the Nintendo set and a BMW have in common? The 6502. The 6502. At $ 25 (compared with $ 375 for a comparable Motorola part), the 6502 was Such a steal That a talented but cash-poor whiz kid from Silicon Valley, Steve Wozniak, chose it for his new personal computer, the Apple I. At $ 25 (compared with U.S. $ 375 for a comparable Motorola section), the 6502 is like stealing money that talented but poor boy genius from Silicon Valley, Steve Wozniak, select it for a new personal computer, the Apple I. Zilog Z80 Zilog Z80 Remember Tandy's TRS-80 Model I? Remember Tandy's TRS-80 Model I? Remember CP / M? Remember CP / M? They were the resource persons both built on the Z80. They are both built on the Z80.

Intel 8088 Intel 8086 and 8086 and 8088
Enter the King. Enter King. In June 1978, the 8086 debuted. In June 1978, debut 8086.
Today it stands for the world's most popular microprocessor standard: the x86 architecture. A year later, Intel introduced a slight variation, the 8088, That Could use 8-bit components, enabling the manufacture of Inexpensive systems. For that reason, IBM chose the 8088 over the 8086 for the original IBM PC, even though the 8088 was slower. Today is the world's most popular microprocessor standard: x86 architecture. A year later, Intel introduced a slight variation, in 8088, which can use 8-bit components, enabling the manufacture of low-cost system. Therefore, IBM chose 8088 over 8086 for the original IBM PC, despite a slower 8088.

Intel 386DX Intel 386DX
The 386 heralded the beginning of a new age - the age of multitasking.
Introduced in October 1985, the 386th was the first "modern" That was the x86 processor capable of running today's multitasking OSes, GUIs, and 32-bit software. 386 marks the beginning of a new era - the age of multitasking. Introduced in October 1985, the 386th was the first "modern" x86 processor capable of running current OS multitasking, GUI, and 32-bit software. The 386 introduced an enhanced microarchitecture while maintaining full backward compatibility with x86 processors Earlier. 386 introduced an enhanced microarchitecture while maintaining full compatibility with earlier x86 processors. This was accomplished with two memory-addressing modes: real mode, the which mi rrored the way memory is addressed by the older x86s, and a new protected mode That shop full advantage of the 386's 32-bit enhancements. This is done with two memory-addressing modes: real mode, which mi rrored way memory is addressed by older x86s, and the new protected mode that take full advantage of 386's 32-bit extra.

Intel Pentium Intel Pentium
The Pentium swept through the PC industry faster Than any of Intel's previous chips. Pentium PC industry sweep faster than previous Intel chips. Although Intel's 486DX (April 1989) an integrated FPU and was much faster Than the 386, it was the Pentium That introduced the next leap forward in the x86 microarchitecture: superscalar pipelines. Skeptics said a CISC architecture couldn't do it. Although Intel 486DX (April 1989) that integrates an FPU and a lot faster than the 386, it is a Pentium that introduces the next leap in x86 micro-architectures: superscalar pipeline. Skeptics "said a CISC architecture can not do it. The Pentium proved Otherwise. Pentium prove otherwise.

Let the price wars begin. Let the price wars begin. When Intel's original 16-MHz 386 was introduced in 1985, it cost $ 299; More Than Five years later, it was still Commanding the Relatively high price of $ 171, and the 33-MHz version Fetched $ 214. AMD's 386DX/40 appeared in March 1991 at $ 281, but Within a year its price plunged 50 percent to $ 140. When the original Intel 386 MHz 16-introduced in 1985, cost $ 299, more than five years later, still relatively high commander of the price of $ 171, and 33-MHz versions fetch $ 214. AMD 386DX/40 appeared in March 1991 at $ 281, but within one year price fell 50 percent to $ 140. Street prices of PCs, the which follow-chip prices, fell by as much as $ 1000. Street price of a PC, who follow the price of chips, fell as much as $ 1000. The market for Windows-capable PCs expand ed by 33 percent. The market for Windows-capable PC ed expand by 33 percent.

Motorola 68000 Motorola 68000
More than any other, this is the microprocessor That helped establish the GUI. More than the others, this is the microprocessor that helps build the GUI. In 1983, four years after its introduction, it appeared in Apple's Lisa, a unique computer but a commercial flop Nevertheless That paved the way for the Macintosh in 1984. In 1983, four years after the introduction, it appears in the Apple Lisa, a unique computer but a commercial failure remains open the way for the Macintosh in 1984.

Mips mips R2000 R2000 The R2000, introduced in 1986, was a 32-bit CPU with 110 000 transistors. It powered the first generation of RISC workstations and servers. The R2000, introduced in 1986, is a 32-bit CPU with 110 000 transistors. It powered the first generation of RISC workstations and servers. The original version, clocked at 8 MHz, Executed about 5 MIPS and Had a separate FPU. The original version, clocked at 8 MHz, was executed about 5 MIPS and has a separate FPU.

Sun Microsystems Sun Microsystems SPARC SPARC In July 1987, Sun Announced an open-RISC architecture. In July 1987, Sun announced an open-RISC architecture. The idea was to encourage multiple sourcing and Lively Competition That Would spur performance, the SPARC standard and spread far and wide. The idea is to encourage a variety of sources and live performance that will spur competition and the standard SPARC spread far and wide. Eight years later, SPARC workstations and servers dominate Their markets. Eight years later, SPARC workstations and servers dominate their markets.

IBM / Motorola PowerPC 601 IBM / Motorola PowerPC 601 Although Few doubted the power of the Po werPC architecture, many thought the politics of the IBM / Motorola / Apple relationship was going to be unmanageable. Although few doubt the power of architecture werPC Po, a lot of political thought IBM / Motorola / Apple relationship will be arranged.
In Less than two years, it has spawned the world's most popular RISC platforms: the Power Macintosh. In less than two years, she has given birth to the world's most popular RISC platforms: Power Macintosh.
Chips & Technologies AT Chip Set Chips & Technologies AT Chip Set
IBM is not known for its approach to open systems. IBM is not known for its open systems approach. So, while it was actively Resisting the cloning of its PC architecture, C & T was introducing its AT Chip Set. So, while it is actively opposed the cloning of PC architecture, C & T introduced the AT Chip Set. With only five chips, C & T duplicated the core logic of about 100 chips in IBM's systems. With only five chips, C & T doubled from about 100 core logic chip in the IBM system. All a clone maker Had to do was add a 286, a Phoenix BIOS ROM, and Some memory to create a PC. All clone makers just need to add 286, Phoenix BIOS ROM, and some memory to create a PC. Take that, Big Blue. Take that, Big Blue.
Amiga Agnes / Denise / Paula Amiga Agnes / Denise / Paula
It's not a rock group: This was the advanced chip set That powered the world's first multimedia computer: The Commodore Amiga 1000. This is not a rock group: This is an advanced chip set which powered the world's first multimedia computer: Commodore Amiga 1000. In 1985, these three chips do tricks That Could today's PCs and Macs still can not do - Such as display multiple screens with independent pixels Resolutions and bit depths on a single monitor. In 1985, the three chip can perform tricks that today's PCs and Macs still can not do - such as displaying some of the independent pixel screen resolution and bit depth on a single monitor.

Commodore Commodore SID SID You can get remarkable results you Pls tell an engineer to do what he thinks is right. You can get incredible results when you tell an engineer to do what he thought was right. Take SID (Sound Interface Device), for example. Take the SID (Sound Interface Device), for example. In 1981, Bob Jannes toll was to design a low-cost sound chip for the upcoming Commodore 64. In 1981, Bob Jannes instructed to design a low-cost sound chip for the upcoming Commodore 64. Would he end up creating an analog synthesizer chip That redefined the concept of sound in personal computers. He eventually will create analog synthesizer chip that redefined the concept of sound in personal computers.

Yamaha OPL-2 Yamaha OPL-2 Tweet. Twitter. Beep, beep. Beep, beep. Name That Tune! Name that tune! The original IBM PC's sound capabilities were the resource persons Practically nonexistent - a simple beeper That Could Produce a limited range of square-wave tones. The original IBM PC practically no sound capability - simple pager that can produce an unlimited range of square wave tones. Yamaha's OPL-2 enabled vendors Such as Ad Lib and Creative Labs to Introduce a plug-in sound boards with reasonable (but not great) sound. Yamaha OPL-2 enabled vendors such as Ad Lib and Creative Labs to introduce a plug-in sound boards with a reasonable (but not great) sound. Today, Nearly all PCs come with a sound board. Today, nearly all PCs come with sound board.

S3 911 911 S3 Because PCs Had Originally character-oriented displays, screen performance drastically bogged down Pls running Microsoft Windows and graphical applications. Because the first PC-oriented display the characters, the performance drastically screen freezes when running Microsoft Windows and graphical applications.
IBM's 8514 chip and its spin-off s provided Some improvement, but the market broke wide open in 1991 Pls S3 introduced the 911, the which integrated GUI acceleration and VGA compatibility on a single chip. IBM 8514 chip and spin-off s provide some improvement, but the market broke wide open in 1991 when S3 introduced the 911, an integrated GUI compatibility and VGA acceleration on a single chip.

Intel Intel Mercury Mercury The PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus is the most Important enhancements to the PC architecture since the ISA bus, and the Mercury was the first implementation. PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus of the most important addition to the PC architecture since the ISA bus, and Mercury is the first implementation. Today even Apple has adopted to replace the NuBus PCI. Even today, Apple has adopted to replace the NuBus PCI.
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Microprocessor Architecture Glossary of Terms Glossary of Microprocessor Architecture Requirements Bus Unit: Bus Unit: The Bus Unit is the place Nowhere instructions flow in and out of the microprocessor from the computer's main memory. Bus Unit is the place where the instruction flow in and out of the microprocessor of the computer's main memory. Instruction Cache: The Instruction Cache is a warehouse of instructions right on the chip, so That the microprocessor does not have to stop and look in the computer's main memory for instructions. Instruction Cache is a repository of instructions right on the chip, the microprocessor so it does not need to stop and look into the computer's main memory for instructions. This quick access makes processing fast as instructions are 'Fetched' to the Prefetch Unit Nowhere They are put in the proper order for processing. This quick access makes processing faster as the instructions that 'take' to the Prefetch Unit where they are placed in the proper sequence for processing. Prefetch Unit: The Prefetch Unit Pls decides to order the data and instructions from the Instruction Cache or the computer's main memory based on commands or the task at hand. A unit for deciding when to prefetch data and instructions from the instruction cache or main memory based computer commands or task at hand. When the instructions come in the most Important task for the Prefetch Unit is to be sure all the instructions are lined up Correctly to send off to the Decode Unit. When the instructions come in the most important task for Prefetch Unit to ensure all instructions are limited to the right to send off to Decode Unit. Decode Unit: The Decode Unit That just does - it decodes or translates complex machine language instructions into a simple format understood by the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and the Registers. The Decode Unit not only that - it decodes or translates complicated machine language instructions into a format easily understood by the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Registers. This makes processing more efficient. This makes processing more efficient. 

Control Unit:The Control Unit is one of the most Important parts of the microprocessor Because it is in charge of the entire process. Based on instructions from the Decode Unit, That it creates control signals tell the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and the Registers how to operate, what to operate on, and what to do with the result. Control Unit is one of the most important part of the microprocessor as responsible for the overall process. Based on instructions from the Decode Unit, create control signals that tell the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Registers how to operate, what to operate on, and what to do with the outcome. The Control Unit makes sure everything Happens in the right place at the right time. Control Unit to keep things going in the right place at the right time.
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU):
The ALU is the last stage of processing in the chip.
The ALU is the smart part of the chip That performs commands like adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing. The ALU is the final stage of processing within the chip. Intelligent ALU is part of the chip that perform commands like add, subtract, multiply and divide. Also it knows how to read logic commands like OR, AND, or NOT. It also knows how to read logic commands like OR, AND, or NOT. Messages from the Control Unit of the ALU tell what it Should do and then it takes the data from its close companion, the Registers, to complete the task. Messages from the Control Unit ALU told what to do and then retrieve data from a close friend, the Registers, to complete the task. This is really Nowhere 2 finally gets added to 3 in our example. This is really where the two finally will be added to the 3 in our example. Registers: Register: The Registers are a mini-storage area for data Used by the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) to complete the tasks the Control Unit has requested. The Registers are the mini-site data storage used by the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) to complete the tasks of the Control Unit has requested. The data cans come from the data cache, main memory or the control unit and are all stored at special locations Within the Registers. This makes retrieval for the ALU quick and efficient. Data can be derived from the data cache, main memory or the control unit and everything is stored in a special location in the Registers. This makes the search for fast and efficient ALU.
Data Cache:
The Data Cache works very closely with the "processing partners," the ALU & Registers, and the Decode Unit. Data Cache to work very closely with the "processing partners," said ALU & Registers, and Decode Unit.
This Is Nowhere specially labeled data from the Decode Unit are stored for later use by the ALU and Nowhere final results are Prepared for distribution to different parts of the computer. This is a special place labeled data from the Decode Unit stored for later use by the ALU and where the final result is ready to be distributed to various parts of the computer.
Main Memory: 
This is the big store house of data Within the main computer located outside of the microprocessor.
This is a huge store house of data which lies on the main computer outside the microprocessor. At times the Main Memory May send in data or instructions for the Prefetch Unit, Often the which get stored at an address in the Instruction Cache to be Used later. At times the Main Memory to send data or instructions to prefetch unit, which is often stored in an address in the Cache Instructions for use later.
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WHAT EVER happened to ... WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO ... The TI 9900 CPU? The TI 9900 CPU?

by Stan Veit by Stan Veit
Originally published in the September 1996 issue Originally published in the September 1996 edition
Now That super chips are being produced by companies other super Than Intel chips now being produced by companies other than Intel and Motorola, I am reminded That the success of new cans and Motorola processors, I was reminded that the success of the new processors can Rely on More Than technological innovation. rely on more than technological innovation. The silicon graveyards acre cemetery is the Silicon Filled with technically superior CPUs That Because of the poor lost out filled with technically superior CPU lost because of poor
Because the manufacturer marketing or misread the buying habits of the marketing or because manufacturers misread the buying habits of
public. public.

In the early days of the PC industry, the Intel 8080 family received a In the early days of the PC industry, Intel receives 8080 family
Because of the huge boost the public's early adoption of the Altair/S-100 huge boost because of the public early adoption Altair/S-100
series; Zilog's Z-80, the which was compatible with the 8080 CPU, serial; Zilog's Z-80, which is compatible with the CPU 8080, That continued success. continue that success. Similarly, Motorola's 6800 chips were the resource persons Used in. Similarly, the Motorola 6800 chip used in
The widely popular South West Technical Products PC and many others.
a very popular South West Technical Products PC and many others.

A Different View A Different View
Texas Instruments (TI), the World's Largest semiconductor Texas Instruments (TI), the world's largest semiconductor manufacturer, developed the TMS9900, a true 16-bit CPU That was Quite a manufacturer, developed the TMS9900, the true 16-bit CPU is enough advanced for its time, having capabilities That the Intel and Motorola advanced for its time, has the ability of Intel and Motorola
8-bit CPUs lacked.
8-bit CPU shortage. Unlike TI, the chip makers Intel, Zilog, and Motorola Unlike IT, chip maker Intel, Zilog, and Motorola were the resource persons eager not changed from computer manufacturers. not eager to become a computer manufacturer. They made development They make development
systems, but these were the resource persons not Designed or price approach for public use.
system, but is not designed or prices for public use. Most Most They did all the chip manufacturers to help computer makers Could improv chipmakers do all they can to help computer makers increase That the systems utilized Their chips, but TI Gave little help to the system that take advantage of their chips, but the IT provide little assistance to
outsiders. outside.
TI did develop the TI 990 / 4 and 990 / 5 minicomputers, the which Used the TI did not develop the TI 990 / 4 and 990 / 5 minicomputers, which uses
TMS9900 processor, but They were the resource persons too expensive to attract developers TMS9900 processors, but they are too expensive to attract developers
WHO Would write software for the processor. who will write software for the processor. Although TI did little to Though not many IT encourage second sources for the TMS9900, TI Itself was a second push both sources for the TMS9900, TI itself is the second source for Intel, producing the TMS8080A, a version of the Intel 8080. Intel source, producing TMS8080A, a version of the Intel 8080. In fact, much of TI's PC competition it was powered by chips Had In fact, many IT competition from the PC is powered by chips that have been manufactured. produced.

As a corporation, TI Had a different view of the PC market.
As a company, IT has a different view of the PC market. It is
envisioned a product That would be Used in the home, at school, and on to imagine a product that will be used at home, at school, and on
the job, just as its Calculators were the resource persons. work, just as a calculator that. This machine would be filled this machine will be met
with TI chips, run IT software, and earn Millions for the company. with TI chips, run the IT software, and earn millions for the company. Since Such a machine did not yet exist, TI Had to design one - the kind of machine because it does not exist, TI has designed one - which Texas Instruments 99 / 4. Texas Instruments 99 / 4.
In the spring of 1979, I Went to Boston to see the 99/4--I was hoping In the spring of 1979, I went to Boston to see 99/4--I hope to sell it at my Computer Mart stores in New York. to sell it in my Computer Mart in New York. I Also Had thoughts I also have thoughts of Becoming a software developer for graphics-based games. become a software developer for graphics based games. Priced at Price $ 1.200, the 99 / 4 Had highly polished metal parts, 16K of RAM, TI BASIC $ 1,200, a 99 / 4 has been highly polished metal parts, 16K RAM, BASIC IT in ROM, a 13-inch color monitor, and a thin keyboard. in ROM, a 13-inch color monitor, keyboard and thin. The 40 keys on the keypad 40
this prototype were the resource persons of a style That Came to be called "Chiclets," and this prototype is a style that came to be called "Chiclets," and
The monitor displayed 24 lines of 32 characters. monitor display 24 lines of 32 characters. The System Also Had a systems also have built-in slots for plug-ins, solid-state software modules, the which did not built-in slots for plug-ins, solid-state software module, which is not yet exist. yet exist. The plug-in program modules were the resource persons to hold the extra RAM to run the Plug-in module program to continue running the extra RAM the software. software.
Interestingly, the TI engineers Had crippled its 16-bit CPU by running Interestingly, the IT engineer has paralyzed the 16-bit CPU to run it in a 8-bit bus. in an 8-bit bus. This Permitted Them to use fewer memory chips and This allows them to use fewer memory chips and reduce costs. reduce costs. Later, IBM followed the path Same with the IBM PC, using Then, IBM followed the same path with the IBM PC, using
The 8088 microprocessor rather Than Intel's 16-bit 8086.
8088 microprocessor than 16-bit Intel 8086.
Back to the Drawing Board Back to the Drawing Board

I liked the TI 99 / 4, but thought the price was a little STEEP.
I liked the TI 99 / 4, but thought the price a bit steep. So did soon The rest of the world. around the world. Shortly after it was released, recalled the IT Shortly after it was released, IT recalled
99 / 4 and Went back to the drawing board to bring down the costs. 99 / 4 and go back to the drawing board to reduce costs.
The It
TI 99/4A required fewer new chips, due to large-scale integration, and new IT 99/4A fewer chips required, because large-scale integration, and
it Came with a real keyboard.
It comes with a real keyboard. IT price approach it without the monitor and the monitor and the price of IT without provided plug-ins for expansion. provides plug-ins for expansion. By the time of the 99/4A 's release, At the time of the 99/4A' s release, Some software for Had it appeared, and TI encouraged third-party software for some it has appeared, and encourage third-party IT
software developers to write for the new system.
developers to write software for the new system. However, the However,
IT royalties demanded discouraging were the resource persons; ultimately demand IT software royalties discouraging; end software
developers lost interest in the 99/4A. developers lost interest in the 99/4A.

In late 1982, the IT re-engineered the motherboard to put most of the In late 1982, the IT re-engineering the motherboard to put most
"Glue" chips into a single package. "Glue" chips into one package. The new machine was Called the QI, a new machine called QI,
for "Improved Quality." for "Improving Quality." With a new and improved systems, IT Had a With a new and better system, TI has
System That Could Compete with the Apple, Atari, and Commodore systems are systems that can compete with Apple, Atari, and Commodore systems
of the day. days. It Also Had a better product for a small but growing group It also has a better product for the small but growing group of Devoted users. of loyal users. The 99 / 4 series were the resource users Among the most Devoted The 99 / 4 of the series users, including the most loyal Could you imagine fans. fan you can imagine. But the company did little to support users, but the company did little to support the user, and except for Computer Shopper magazine and a small Called 99er, tea and except for Computer Shopper and a small magazine called the 99er, which press ignored the computer systems. computer press ignored the system.

When all other manufacturers turned to the floppy disks to Expand Their When all other producers turned to a floppy disk to develop
machines 'usefulness, TI Came out with the expensive Expansion Box as machines' usefulness, TI came out with expensive Expansion Box as
a way to add a floppy drive to the 99 / 4.
how to add a floppy drive, 99 / 4. It was Designed like a piece is designed like a piece of
of equipment meant to meet military specifications, the box was made military equipment intended to meet specifications; box was made
of a thick aluminum plate, a heavy-duty design That was obviously from a thick aluminum plate, heavy-duty clear design
unnecessary for home computers. no need for a home computer. Compare this with the Apple II, the which compare with the Apple II, which needed only a small plug-in interface board connects to a floppy disk. only need a small plug-in interface board to connect the floppy disk.
Once again, IT Had to Provide a fix to the system Because it did not once again, IT must provide to fix the system because no
understand the market and Had to learn the hard way.
understand the market and must learn the hard way.
In January 1982, TI was poised to throw all its Marketing Efforts In January 1982, TI was ready to throw all marketing efforts behind-the-IT 994 / A. IT rear 994 / A. At the time, the success of TI's home computer at that time, the success of TI home computer
meant more to the company Than just another item in its huge line of more means the company is not just another item in the outline
electronic equipment. electronic equipment. It was counting on the TI 99/4A, and its It relies on TI 99/4A, and successors to be the major consumer of the company's own chips. successor to be the main consumers of the company's own chips. This is was TI's core business, and the strategy Would have succeeded if IT is IT's core business, and strategy will be successful if the IT
hadn't run into a stone wall - Jack Tramiel, the president of not running into a stone wall - Jack Tramiel, president
Commodore. Commodore.
The troubles started with the introduction of the $ 300 Commodore The difficulty begins with the introduction of $ 300 Commodore VIC-20. VIC-20. Although the VIC's capabilities were the resource persons below those of the IT Despite the ability of VIC is below those of the IT
99/4A, cut its introduction into the IT system's market share.
99/4A, the introduction of IT systems cut into market share.

What is the algorithm?

Judging from the origin of the word he said algorithm itself has a strange history. People just find a word that means the process of calculating Algorism with arabic numbers. You say if you calculate Algorist use Arabic figures. Linguists attempt to discover the origin of this word but the results are less satisfactory. Finally, historians of mathematics found the origin of the word is derived from the Arabic name of the famous author, Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khuwarizmi. Al-Khuwarizmi read people west into Algorism. Al-Khuwarizmi write a book called The Book of Al Jabar Wal-Muqabala which means "The book of restoration and reduction" (The book of restoration and reduction). From the title of the book we also get the root word "Algebra" (Algebra). Change the word of the Algorithm Algorism Algorism arises because the word is often confused with Arithmetic, so the suffix became-sm-THM. Because the calculation with Arabic numerals have become commonplace. Then gradually the word algorithm gradually used as a method of calculation (computing) in general, thus losing its original meaning of the word. In Indonesian, the word Algorithm is absorbed into algorithm. Algorithm Definition "The algorithm is a sequence of logical steps solving problems systematically and logically arranged." Logical word is the key word in the algorithm. The steps in the algorithm must be logical and must be determined is false or true. The algorithm is the heart of Informatics The algorithm is the heart of computer science or informatics. Many branches of computer science terminology referenced in the algorithm. However, do not assume the algorithm is always synonymous with computer science course. In real life there are many processes haripun expressed in an algorithm. Ways to make a cake or a dish that is expressed in a recipe can also be referred to as algorithms. In every recipe there is always a sequence of step-lankah made cuisine. If the steps are not logical, can not produce the desired cuisine. Mothers who try a recipe will read one by one the steps and then he did the process of making appropriate that he read. In general, the (object) who worked on the process called the processor (processor). Processing may take the form of human, computer, robot or other electronic equipment. Processors perform a process to carry out or "execute" an algorithm that outlines the process. Implement the algorithm means doing the steps in the algorithm. Processors working on the process in accordance with the algorithm given to him. The cook makes a cake based on a recipe given to him, the pianist played a song by musical notes board. Therefore, an algorithm must be expressed in a form that can be understood by the processor. So the processor must: 1. Understand each step in Algorithm 2. Doing operations corresponding to these steps. Writing Algorithms The algorithm can be written in several ways, namely: • In a natural language (Indonesian, English, and other human language)
Example: Algorithm sending short messages (sms)
1. Take Mobile
2. Incoming SMS menu
3. Select Sub-Menu Compose SMS
4. Write the contents of SMS
5. Press menu
6. Enter the destination number
7. Press ok
8. Wait for the report
9. When an SMS is sent, Done
10. If SMS is not sent, skip to step 5
Use flow charts For example: Alarm Clock Algorithm
  • Using the pseudo-code For example: Algotima Finding Largest Numbers max ← first ilangan if (max <the second number) ← max number two if (max <third numbers) ← max number of third Important Aspects of the Algorithm 1. Finiteness The algorithm must be stopped (after a finite number of steps) 2. Definiteness Each step must be precisely defined, should not confuse the (ambiguous) 3. Input An algorithm has zero or more input given to the algorithm before it runs 4. Output An algorithm has one or more outputs, which typically rely on input 5. Effectiveness Each algorithm is expected to have effective properties Programming Language From the past until now, of course we know that in the computer world there is a wide range of programming languages. Because so many types of programming languages, the languages are also grouped based on certain criteria. There are breaks it down into 3 levels of language, namely: high level (like Pascal and Basic), middle level (like C), and low level (like Assembly Language). There are also breaks it down into procedural / functional programming, object oriented programming, and so forth. Programming can be classified as follows [Rechenberg]: 1. Procedure-oriented (procedural oriented) 2. Oriented functions (functional oriented) 3. Oriented logic (logic oriented) 4. Object oriented (object oriented) Each has its own advantages. Sometimes in building an application programming method is required combination. For example in C + + and Java (object oriented programming language), we can still find the techniques-oriented programming procedures in each method / function in the member objects.
A programming language originally only be used in a method.
Pascal originally for procedural-oriented, Lisp for the functional-oriented, Smaltalk for object-oriented and others. Along with the development of information and computer technology, tens and even hundreds of new programming language was born. Each has unique and specific advantages. There are specific to a particular type of computer, some are specific to a particular programming paradigm.
Selection of the first programming language is a complicated issue. For the first programming language affects the way programmers think in the future. Pascal programmers with a first language will be easier to switch to a programming language that has the same paradigm, which is oriented procedures such as C, Modula, Oberon. But the programmers are difficult to move into programming language with the other paradigms such as CLOS and Scheme, namely Lisp programming language family. In addition, after determining the paradigm, the next problem that arises is selecting the most dominant programming languages in this paradigm. For example, for function-oriented paradigm is most appropriate taught to beginners, whether or Scheme or EmacsLisp CLOS. The second problem is related to, the ease in learning, programming language dialects in the family, or even market trends.